11 March 2022. By Members of Remedial Team
Carbon fibre reinforcement is a high-performance and strength amplifying product that has advantages over steel. Learn more.
26 July 2018. By Hamish Anderson
During the design phase, determinations for the load-bearing capacity of a slab is mandatory considertion. However, through the process of time, a change in the intended use of the slab can mean the load-bearing capacity may no longer be adequate. In this instance carbon fibre can be a very quick and cost effective solution.
7 April 2011. By Jeff Anderson
The upgrading of building structures, be it for structural rectification purposes, or for a change in use building use, has always been associated with significant financial cost. Whilst the procedure may be inhrently necessary, the cost associated with upgrade has often meant the proposed work is delayed. When the decision to go ahead is made, more often than not, steel and concrete has been the chosen methodology to achieve the outcome. Whilst the advantages of Carbon Fibre have been well documented for many years, it is often overlooked due to a perceived higher cost than the concrete/steel combination.