Commercial kitchens

Remedial Building Services overview
Who we are – A Remedial Building Services Overview

13 May 2021. By Jeff Anderson

You may have noticed (or if you are new to the blog – welcome) our habit in these blogs is to give you a smattering of information about an area we think will add value to you, the reader. We don’t necessarily want to talk about who we are, but in this piece we make an exception. Today, we give you an overview of Remedial.

Remedial Team Break And Remove Old Concrete - Structural Repairs - Remedial Building Services
The many ways Remedial can help with BCA compliance

6 November 2020. By Jeff Anderson

As a specialist repair company much of the work we offer spans multiple components of the BCA. So we thought we would give you a quick snapshot into the areas you can call on our team to help

Completed Flooring Works - Flooring Solutions - Remedial Building Services
When You Need Commercial Flooring

27 July 2020. By Goran

When it comes to flooring, here is the truth: Just because something works in a residential setting there is no guarantee that it will work well in a commercial space. Learn why and find out what you need to know.

Commercial Kitchen Floor Upgrades- Epoxy Flooring - Remedial Building Services
Essential Features of High-Quality Kitchen Flooring

18 May 2020. By Hamish

When it comes to building and then fitting out a commercial kitchen, we know that very few people/companies have an unlimited budget. You're looking to find optimal solutions that help you produce great quality food at a price you can afford. But as we have discussed before it all has to start with the floor. In this blog we take a look at the characteristics which lead to a commercial kitchen floor that stands the test of time.

Flooring Solutions And Brick Wall - Flooring Options - Remedial Building Services
Why Dycem Floors Are a Better Choice for Your Facility

30 January 2020. By Hamish Anderson

Here’s a little know fact, but one which can have significant bearing on your business; one of the factors that affects your product yield and your staff’s productivity is the type of flooring installed in your facility. Find out why Dycem non-slip mats are your best option.

Epoxy Flooring Maintenance - Flooring Solutions - Remedial Building Services
How to Clean Your Resin Floor Properly

27 May 2019. By Goran

Does your business site have a resin floor and you're not sure how to clean it? If so, then read on, as we cover off all you need to know to ensure you get the most from your floor.

Red Flooring Surface - Epoxy Flooring - Remedial Building Services
Three Things You Should Know About Flooring

28 February 2019. By Goran

Ultimately, each type of flooring option has its own merits and there is not a single type that is ideally suited for all conditions, especially since floors serve different purposes in different types of buildings. In this blog, our head of flooring gives you three tips to help you understand why different floors need different solutions.

Under Flooring Equipment - Structural Repair - Remedial Building Services
The three reasons companies invest in their commercial floor

9 January 2018. By Remedial Team

No matter the change in technology, nor the industry the enquiries come from, nor the level of technical expertise of the person enquiring, we have learned that the nature of each and every flooring enquiry can be categorised as one of three things. In this blog we discuss the three ways to classify flooring.

Completed Flooring Works - Flooring Solutions - Remedial Building Services
Why You Should Consider Commercial Flooring Alternatives

22 March 2016. By Remedial

In the past, for reasons of price or beliefs over the efficacy of the surface traditional flooring options have included sealed concrete, tiles or vinyl, but with technology constantly offering innovations in terms of construction materials and visual appeal, the options available today gives owners and managers, a lot more flooring options to consider.

Commercial Kitchen Floor - Flooring Solutions - Remedial Building Services
Not All Kitchen Flooring is Created Equal

5 August 2011. By Russell Muller

Fitting out a commercial kitchen is not exactly the most affordable exercise. From the ovens, to the dishwashers, to the knives, fridges and all the other accoutrements that go with a kitchen, the costs can run up very quickly. AS such, when it comes to the flooring surface, we've found that many owners tend to go for the 'lower cost' alternative. Too often this means that tiles or vinyl are laid in the kitchen.