• Commercial and industrial building works

    Maintaining a commercial or industrial building is no mean feat. Everything from fire egress through to cleaning and safety of building occupants must be managed efficiently and on time. The same is true of structural building maintenance. Failure to maintain the building or delaying necessary works can impact the structural integrity of the building and cause ongoing complications.

    At Remedial Building Services our focus is on providing the best specialist building rectifications and upgrades. From the rectification of leaking membranes and window flashings, to building joints, to rectification of concrete spalling, our team works to provide cost effective, timely and second-to-none services to building managers, strata managers and Owner’s corporations around NSW. Our services include:

    • Concrete repair
    • Carbon fibre strengthening
    • Joint repairs
    • Flooring repairs and upgrades
    • Heritage Building upgrades
    • Façade repair
    • Balcony upgrades
    • Window replacement
    • Arch bar and lintel replacement
    • Removal and replacement of reinforcing
    • Waterproofing
    • Brick ties


At Remedial we have leveraged our skills and experience across thousands of projects. Here is a selection of some of our projects showcasing just how diverse our solutions can be.


A red brick apartment building without render
Boost Property Values with Rendering Options

2 January 2024. By Simon Austin

Naked brickwork is making a comeback. However, owners of older buildings that used less decorative and aesthetic brick options may want to consider alternatives to a brick facade and consider rendering. But do you paint it or tint it? What is better?

Strata Schemes need to change. Red building with signs of defects - Remedial Building Services
Owners’ Corporations: Strata Management Unpreparedness

14 August 2023. By Chris Jakovljevic

We are increasingly seeing a rise in complexity, a reduction in the available hours people have to dedicate to their Strata scheme, and an increase in the prevalence of building defects. Something needs to change.

Balcony safety is paramount. Learn what you need to know
Balcony Safety and Compliance to Code Standards

4 July 2023. By Chris Jakovljevic

A study released in 2020 found that over a 22 year period (1998-2019) there were 381 falls from balconies and windows. Often these were due to non-compliant balconies. In this blog we discuss what you need to know about balcony safety and upgrades