Structural Issues

Cracking or sagging walls and rust stains could be a sign that your building may have structural issues.

You may have noticed a water leak when it rains, or maybe rust stains are affecting your building façade; or perhaps bulging, fretting or cracking in your brickwork or render is causing you concern.

What you may consider to be a minor aesthetic issue could turn out to be a warning sign of some larger structural damage. It’s important to rectify any structural issue early to save significant time and money down the track.

Some of the tell-tale signs you may have structural issues include:

A range of factors can contribute to structural issues

Whether it is due to the age of your building, exposure to the elements or poor workmanship and materials during construction, there are a number of factors which could be the cause of your structural problems. Some common issues which can lead to significant structural problems include:

  • Poor workmanship during construction. Often builders will leave reinforcing too close to the surface allowing surface moisture to seep far enough into the surface. This leaches the concrete and causes a chemical reaction that affects the steel.
  • Use of incompatible materials in close proximity to each other. These cause a chemical reaction which causes rusting.
  • Mechanical wear and tear.
  • Damaged concrete slabs which allow water to penetrate through the structure.
  • Installation of new equipment – often on the roof – such as airconditioning units or anchor points. If equipment is drilled through waterproof membranes and not sealed properly after installation it can cause damage by allowing water to penetrate the structure.
  • Inadequate flashings. Where flashings are installed poorly, or not high enough into the cavity, water can penetrate through to the cavity. Even if they were installed well, if drains are not cleared properly then during heavy rains, water can rise above the flashing causing water to leak into the cavity.

Address structural issues early

Don’t allow any building issue to fester and affect the structural integrity of your building. Taking action as soon as you notice any issues can save you significant time and money on future rectification works.

If you have concerns about your structure, contact us today.



Contact us for more information and to arrange a quote.




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